“Show hospitality to one another without grumbling.”

— 1 Peter 4:9
As the Apostle Peter encourages us to be hospitable, we are so glad that you have chosen to visit with us here at Granada Hills Community Church! Let us pour you a cup of coffee and welcome you to our church family (real coffee is available during our Fellowship and Refreshments time in our kitchen)! As you spend time checking out our website and visiting our church campus in person, our hope is that you will experience our Lord Jesus Christ in a powerful and personal way. We look forward to celebrating our Lord with you this Sunday!

What to Expect When You Visit

You are our honored guest! You can expect to be greeted by friendly people who will be thrilled to have you with us. They will give you a smile and direct you to the Worship Center or wherever else would best serve you. If you are early, join us in the kitchen before the worship celebration (10:00-10:20 AM) so we may get to know you better.

You will find our worship celebration to be informal yet heartfelt, contemporary yet grounded. Our music style is mostly modern praise, though you might find us singing a hymn or two here and there. And oh, we don’t believe that what we sing together are songs… rather, they are musical prayers lifted up to our heavenly Father with all the love, reverence, and emotion that can be rightly mustered in the power and guidance of the Holy Spirit. Our pastor-teacher preaches and teaches the word of God verse by verse, following a grammatical and historical approach to interpreting Scripture.

Each worship celebration typically lasts 75 minutes. You can expect the service to start on time. It will be comprised of the following elements:

  • Songs of praise and worship
  • Offering and song of praise and worship
  • Greeting
  • Welcome and announcements
  • Proclamation of God’s Word
  • Song of praise and worship
  • Intercessory Prayer

Please do not feel obligated to participate in the offering. It is simply one of the many ways in which our church family demonstrate their love for Jesus. If you are visiting our church but are regular attenders at another church, please keep your offering and give at your home church so that their needs may be abundantly met by your giving.

At the end of each service, a team of caring people will be available at our Welcome Center (look for the banner and table at the rear of the Worship Center) to answer any questions, pray with you, or assist you in any way (we also have a gift we’d like to give you in appreciation of your joining us for worship). If you would like to speak with our pastor, he is usually available at the front of the Worship Center or by the main doors at the rear as you exit.

Nursery care and care for children in Kindergarten and younger are available during the worship service. Older children are encouraged to join their parents in the worship celebration. Children in 1st-6th grade will be dismissed after the announcement time and invited to participate in King’s Kids, a fun, safe, and Christ-centered time of learning God’s word.

What You Can Do to Make the Most of Your Visit

Please fill out the “Welcome” card you will find inside your Worship Guide and drop it in the offering. If you have any questions or would like to share a prayer request, please mark it on the back of your card. All prayer requests will be kept confidential unless noted otherwise by you. The information you include will be used to send you a “Thank You” letter from our pastor to commemorate your visit and nothing more.

Please feel free to request a complimentary CD of the message by indicating on the back of your “Welcome” card. Or you may request one verbally by asking one of our team members serving in the tech booth at the rear of the Worship Center. You can also listen to the message online here.

Finally, please visit our resource table at the rear of the Worship Center to receive materials to encourage you and your family as well as information on the various ministries taking place at our church.

Get it…? Got it… Good!

Frequently Asked Questions

No, we have a relaxed atmosphere and casual dress here at GHCC, so formal attire is not necessary (though no one will mind if you come dressed to the nines, either). Come dressed in a way that makes you feel comfortable and honors the Lord.